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273 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Email us at [email protected] or call us at 540-434-8450

Open from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Thursday

We look forward to hearing from you!


Counseling for Hope, Health, and Healing


To the friends of FLRC,


Our success is dependent upon the faithful support of caring individuals like you.


Unfortunately, the last few years has been difficult financially and many pressing projects have arisen for us. Some of our greatest stressors for the upcoming year will be maintaining the facility we work from – we replaced two HVAC units in our building in the last two years costing over $20K and have additional ones needing repair and possible replacement to keep our clients happy and comfortable. The roof on the old part of the building is in dire need of recoating to prevent leaks. The front porch and handicap ramp needs replacement due to rotting materials. We have multiple light ballast that are bad causing lighting issues.  Unfortunately, we have come to a time that we can no longer ignore these repairs.  We are overwhelmed with the cost of the repairs needed to continue service in a safe comfortable building.  


Along with that, we need upgrades for our outdated computer systems so that we can serve our clients efficiently. Our current systems are not to the standard that we expect to help those in need.  


To be able to cover the cost of repairs and scholarship funds, we need to raise $40,000


Your faithful support has led to our success for over 36 years. Please consider clicking the link below or sending a gift in the mail to our address at 273 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg VA 22801.


Thank you for your consideration!



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We are currently hiring Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW). Please email us at [email protected] for information.

Our business office is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Thursday. After hours available by appointment only.

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Fax: 540-433-3805

Office phone: 540-434-8450


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